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Past Events

SuccessBaseMass organizes events that give you a chance to connect with representatives from our featured programs, helps you find new opportunities, and learn valuable skills. Our past events can be seen below. Check the Events tab to see our upcoming events!


August 20, 2021

Present Yourself! Essay Workshop

​As we kickoff college and scholarship application season, SuccessBaseMass collaborated with Yale's Linda Coleman to teach students how to best present themselves throughout their essay-writing. Though this workshop was geared towards students that have not started their applications yet, all who wanted help or inspiration with their personal essay-writing were welcome to join!


May 15, 2021

Youth Advocacy Seminar

SuccessBaseMass partnered with Power the Youth in hosting a Youth Advocacy Seminar. Attendees learned the stories of two prominent youth activists and their advocacy stories, along with tips on how to go into community organizing.

Hayley the Fitness Wonder.png

March 13-14, 2021

Resume/LinkedIn Workshop

SuccessBaseMass partnered with Opportuniteens in hosting a 2-day resume building workshop for high school students. On the first day, students learned the basics of writing a resume, and were assisted in creating or editing their own resumes in real time. On the second day, students were walked through the basics of LinkedIn, and were assisted in creating or editing their own LinkedIn accounts.


© 2021 by SuccessBaseMass

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