Program Search
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TRiO Educational Talent Search-Washington County, Utah
Educational Talent Search strives to prepare, academically and socially, qualified low income and first generation youth (grades 8-12th in Washington County Schools) to complete secondary school with the goal of enrolling in and completing a program of study through postsecondary education. This is accomplished by our program providing Academic Advisors, helping the youth with career, college, financial literacy, advisement and financial aid information, along with cultural activities. ETS increases educational opportunities for these youth.
Low income, first generation students (8th-12th grade in Washington County schools)
Rolling Admissions
TRIO Educational Talent Search-Delaware Technical Community College
A program supporting middle school and high school students with their college preparedness through career exploration, college admissions info sessions, financial aid workshops, and counseling.
Must be in grades 6-12, attending middle school in Selbyville
Woodbridge, or high school in Sussex Central
Indian River
Rolling Admissions
Mass General Hospital Junior Volunteer Program
Teens ages 16-17 are able to work alongside hospital staff and have consistent contact with patients and families. Volunteers assist in escorting patients to their doctors appointments or in being discharged from the hospital.
Must be Boston resident aged 16-17
Application will open March 1st for summer program, August 1st for fall program
TRiO Educational Talent Search-Iron, Beaver and Kane Counties, Utah
ETS is a federally funded TRIO program housed at Southern Utah University. We work with 636 low income, first-generation students, grades 7-12 in Beaver, Iron, Kane and Coconino (AZ) counties. Our goal is to help students succeed in middle school and high school and to enter the college of their choice following high school.
Low income, first generation students (grades 7-12 students in select target high schools in Iron, Beaver and Kane counties)
Rolling Admissions
TRiO Educational Talent Search-Ogden District, Utah
This program is designed to identify qualified youths with potential for education at the post-secondary level and to encourage such youths to complete high school and undertake a program of secondary education. This is achieved by informing students on the availability of financial assistance to pursue a program of post-secondary education and to encourage students who have not completed programs of education at the secondary or post-secondary level, but who have the ability to do so, to complete such programs.
Grades 8-12 students in Ogden District
Rolling Admissions
Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math Program
A summer stem-based college prep program where students take courses to enhance their learning. Students are then able to receive weekly tutoring during the school year. This program is fully funded by the federal government.
Low income, first generation (9th-12th grade students)
Rolling Admissions
TRIO Upward Bound Math and Science-Delaware Technical Community College
Assists students in successful completion of high school, and the exploration of a degree in the STEM field throughout their post-secondary careers. Students have access to college tours, cultural activities, and career exploration workshops. Participants also engage in hands-on STEM courses during the summer academy.
Students must currently be in 9-11th grade, fulfill income eligibility requirements, and come from one of the following regions:
Sussex Central
Woodbridge Colonial
Red Clay
Rolling admissions
TRiO Educational Talent Search-Nevada
The Educational Talent Search (ETS) program at UNLV is funded by the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of increasing the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education. The ETS program works with students in grades 7th through the 12th. ETS also encourages individuals who have not completed education programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or reenter and complete postsecondary education.
Low income, first generation (grades 7-12 in Clark County School District)
Rolling Admissions
Mills Educational Talent Search Program
The Mills Educational Talent Search (METS) TRIO Program identifies and assists youth in Oakland from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides free academic, career, financial aid counseling, and college application assistance to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education.
Be between 11–27 years old and reside and/or attend school in the Oakland area
Be a US citizen or permanent resident (or are in the process)
Be a first-generation college-bound student (neither parent/guardian graduated from a four-year college) and/or meet federal low-income guidelines
Rolling Admissions
Oklahoma State University Upward Bound
The OSU-Oklahoma City Upward Bound program offers year-round support to participating students throughout their high school years. Once students are accepted into the program they remain in the program until they graduate from high school providing they continue to fulfill the program requirements. After graduation, students can earn up to six-credit hours of summer college classes on the OSU-Oklahoma City campus.
Must attend Western Heights or Putnam City West High Schools, and be a current freshman, sophomore, or junior.
Rolling Admissions