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Upward Bound BU

A free year-round academic program for Boston high school students. In summer, students are able to experience a residential college prep program on Boston University’s campus. Participants must take 6 classes along with a physical enrichment program during the summer while living on Boston University’s campus, and must take after-school workshops during the school year. Students receive a small stipend for their participation, and are able to apply for a paid internship during their senior summer.


Must be enrolled in a target school or live in a target neighborhood


December 1st for spring, April 15 for summer


All Star Code Summer Intensive

Program giving black male students more access to the computer science field by developing their C.S. skills through workshops and coding projects. All lessons include an emphasis on entrepreneurship, so that students can use their C.S. skills for entreprenurial ventures.


Must be black male high school sophomores or juniors with a commute of 1 hour or less in NYC, Jersey City, or Pittsburgh


April 16


Feinstein Summer Visiting Scholar Program

A summer mentorship program where students are hosted at Feinstein Northwell Hospital by one of Feinstein's faculty. Students must research and reach out to a mentor individually.


Must be current high school, college, or undergraduate student who is at least 16 years old


April 15


Bioinformatics Research Experience

A 4 week research experience for biological data analysis. Students will be able to lean bioinformatics on a day to day basis, data analysis skills, and cutting edge research. Students must be 17+, and can earn $1000 upon completion.

Must be 17+ with some familiarity in a programming language


A U.S. citizen or permanent resident (Proof of valid work authorization is required), be at least 17 years of age by July 1, 2020, and have some familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g. python, perl, R, Java, MATLAB, C++, etc.)


April 16


Native American Science and Engineering Program (NASEP)

Exposes Native America, Alaskan Native, and Hawaiian Native students to the stem field through connections with industry professionals. Students receive college preparation mentorship and workshops, with the school year aspect containing phone mentorship.


Must be enrolled in a federally or state recognized American-Indian or Alaskan Native tribe; or of Hawaiian Native, American Indian, or Alaskan Native descent. Must be a high school sophomore or junior with at least a "C" average.


April 17


Telluride Association Sophomore Seminar (TASS)

The Telluride Association Sophomore Seminar (TASS) offers bright, motivated high school sophomores challenging six-week college-level courses in critical Black and ethnic studies. Applicants will work with university faculty to create exciting courses designed to inspire young people to explore the the histories, politics and cultural experiences of people of African descent and a variety of other topics. Because TASS believes that students should have the opportunity to pursue their ideals, they cover all the program costs, including tuition, books, room and board, field trips, and facilities fees.


Applicants must be sophomores at time of application.


Closed for summer 2021



Academically talented high school students are encouraged to strengthen their quantitative thinking skills through immersive activities. Participants learn several topics, ranging from probability to game theory, and experience programming labs, estimation marketing, and periods of self reflection.


Must be at least 14, mainly high school students


April 20


Idaho National Laboratory High School Internship

An internship allowing high school students to participate in projects under the guidance of mentors who are professionals in their fields. Interns are able to solve real world problems using STEM methodology. Above all, this internship build confidence and introduces students to STEM fields.


High school students at least 16 years old and U.S. citizens


April 23


Geosciences Bridge Program

A residential six week paid internship for students interested in the geosciences hosted by the University of Maryland. Includes lectures, field trips, hands on activities, for-credit college courses, and room and board.


Must be graduating high school senior with at least 2.7 GPA


April 23


Geosciences Bridge Program

The Geosciences Bridge Program offers a 6-week paid internship for students planning to pursue careers in the geosciences. The program includes lectures, field trips, hands-on activities, two for-credit college courses, housing, meals, travel to and from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), and a stipend.


Must be a graduating high school senior


April 23

Social Sciences

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